News14. Januar 2025|VeranstaltungSupporting Actresses and Intersectional Allies from Midrash to #MeTooHabilitation colloquium We would like to invite you to Dr. Ilaria Briata's habilitation colloquium on the following topic: "Supporting Actresses and...16. Dezember 2024|EventMaimonides Lecture on Scepticism (Daniel Boyarin)Foto: UHH/SUB HHWe would like to invite you to a Maimonides Lecture on Scepticism on Monday, 16 December 2024, at 18:00. Daniel Boyarin (University of California at...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events26. November 2024|VeranstaltungAbravanel Latinus. An Untold Story. Jewish Texts, Christian Dissertationes, and other Hebaric WritingsWe would like to invite you to a workshop on "Abravanel Latinus. An Untold Story. Jewish Texts, Christian Dissertationes, and other Hebaric Writings."...2. Oktober 2024|Studium und LehreOrientierungseinheiten JudaistikZu Beginn des Wintersemesters finden Orientierungseinheiten für den Bachelorstudiengang Judaistik statt. Ziel ist es, Studienanfänger:innen über den...18. September 2024|VeranstaltungThe Role of Women in the Wissenschaft des Judentums We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming workshop “The Role of Women in the Wissenschaft des Judentums”! Date: September 23 - 24, 2024Time...13. August 2024|EventMaimonides Lecture on Scepticism (Anat Schechtman)Foto: UHH/SUB HHWe would like to invite you to a Maimonides Lecture on Scepticism on Tuesday, 13 August 2024, at 16:00. Anat Schechtman (University of Texas at...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events21. Juli 2024|EventConference "The Significance of Scepticism in Philosophy, Judaism, and Culture"Foto: UHHWe would like to invite you to a conference about "The Significance of Scepticism in Philosophy, Judaism, and Culture." It will take place from 21 to...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events16. Juli 2024|EventSummer School "The Significance of Scepticism in Philosophy, Judaism, and Culture"Foto: UHHThe fourth summer school convened by the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies—Jewish Scepticism will explore the varied significance of scepticism...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events9. Mai 2024|EventWorkshopFoto: UHH/SUB UHHWe would like to invite you to a workshop on "Kabbalah between Dialectical Disputes, Religious Dissent, and Proto-Academic Scholarship in Medieval and...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events25. April 2024|EventWorkshopFoto: iStock/morkemanWe would like to invite you to the workshop "Breaking Idols, Embracing Doubts. From Idolatrous to Sceptical Attitudes." It will take place on 14 and...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events22. März 2024|EventMaimonides Lecture on Scepticism (Marcin Wodziński)Foto: UHH/SUB HHWe would like to invite you to a Maimonides Lecture on Scepticism on Tuesday, 9 April 2024, at 18:00. Marcin Wodziński (University of Wrocław) will...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events29. Februar 2024|EventCall for Applications: Summer SchoolFoto: UHH/MCASThe summer school "The Significance of Scepticism in Philosophy, Judaism, and Culture" is intended for MA students and PhD candidates from the...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Academic Affairs19. Februar 2024|WorkshopMaimonides Mentoring and Networking WorkshopFoto: UHH/MCASThis workshop aims to support early career women at both the doctoral and postdoctoral levels by providing academic and professional mentoring. It...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events23. Januar 2024|EventMaimonides Lecture on Scepticism (Rebekka Voß)Foto: UHH/SUB HHWe would like to invite you to a Maimonides Lecture on Scepticism on Tuesday, 23 January 2024, at 18:00. Rebekka Voß (Frankfurt am Main) will talk...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events28. November 2023|Musar NewsConcluding EventFoto: Anna AvlasovichPlease join us for the concluding event of the Emmy Noether Research Group "Jewish Moralistic Writings of the Early Modern Period: Retrospect...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Musar News27. November 2023|Musar NewsMus|ar|t Blog Online NowFoto: Raquel Gómez DelgadoWe are pleased to announce that the "Mus|ar|t — Art Meets Scholarship" blog is online now.Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Musar News24. November 2023|Musar NewsCongratulationsFoto: DFGWe congratulate Dr. Ilaria Briata, who has been awarded an Individual Research Grant by the German Research Foundation for the project "Horror and...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Musar News16. November 2023|International AffairsSolidarity with the People of IsraelWe express our solidarity with the people of Israel in this difficult time. We condemn any acts of extremism that lead to injustice and hope that a...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - Events15. November 2023|Musar NewsSeminar "Metalogic of the Trace"Foto: Anna AvlasovichWe cordially invite you to the Seminar "Metalogic of the Trace: The Disclosure of the World (ha-'olam) in the Concealment (he'elem) of Infinity" with...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Musar News14. November 2023|EventMaimonides Lecture on Scepticism (Elliot Wolfson)Foto: UHH/SUB HHWe would like to invite you to a Maimonides Lecture on Scepticism on Tuesday, 14 November 2023, at 18:00. Elliot Wolfson (UC Santa Barbara) will talk...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MCAS - EventsZum Archiv