title: t(:staff_details_view) style="display:inline" href: '#', title: t(:staff_activate_details_view), role: 'button' style='display:none' aria-label=t(:staff_activate_details_view)title: t(:staff_list_view) style="display:none" href: '#', title: t(:staff_activate_list_view), role: 'button' style='display:inline' aria-label=t(:staff_activate_list_view)
Active professors

Photo: Privat
Heisenberg-Professor for Judaic Studies
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11 (2nd floor)
20355 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838-4740
Office hours
- by arrangement
Key aspects of activity
- Jewish Moralistic Writings (musar)
- Kabbalah
- Jewish Ethics
- History of Hebrew Printing and Bibliography
- Early Modern Jewish Intellectual History
- Mysticism and Spirituality in the Abrahamic Traditions

Photo: UHH/Mentz
Chair for Jewish Philosophy and Religion
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11 (2nd floor)
20355 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838-9792
Research associates

Photo: Briata
Research Associate
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11 (2nd floor)
20355 Hamburg
Key aspects of activity
- Jewish horror and the history of emotions
- Jewish moralistic literature (Musar)
- Sephardic Judaism (Ladino Literature)
- Rabbinic Literature

Photo: F. Dunklau
Research Associate (PESHAT)
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11 (2nd floor)
20355 Hamburg
Room: B 212
Tel: +49 40 42838-6961
Key aspects of activity
- Jewish Philosophy of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
- History of Jewish life in Schleswig-Holstein (until 1945)
- Pentecoastalism and Christian Esoteric movements

Photo: UHH/Mentz
Research Associate (PESHAT)
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11 (2nd floor)
20355 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838-9833
Office hours
nach Vereinbarung
Key aspects of activity
- Medieval and Renaissance Jewish Philosophy
- Medieval and Renaissance Latin Scholasticism

Photo: H.Gentili
HEPMASITE Research Associate
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11 (2. Stock)
20355 Hamburg
Key aspects of activity
- Medieval and Renaissance Jewish Philosophy
- Interaction between philosophy and mysticism (15th-16th centuries)
- History of reading and learning practices
- History of the Hebrew book

Photo: Foto: K. Fritze
Lecturer for Hebrew
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11 (2nd floor)
20355 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838-9841
Key aspects of activity
- Hebrew Linguistics
- Jewish Mysticism of Late Antiquity/ Hekhalot Literature

Photo: meyrav
Research Associate
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11 (2nd floor)
20355 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838-9835
Key aspects of activity
- Medieval Hebrew Philosophy
- Manuscript Studies
- Arabic-into-Hebrew translations
- History of Metaphysics

Photo: h. paulman
HEPMASITE Research Associate
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11
20355 Hamburg
Room: C211
Key aspects of activity
- History of Hylomorphism
- Ancient and Medieval Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy
- Aristotelian Psychology

Photo: Chiara Rover
MCAS Co-Director, MCAS Research Associate
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11
20355 Hamburg
Room: C218
Tel: +49 40 42838-9911
Key aspects of activity
- History of Ancient Philosophy
- Ancient Scepticism
- Roman Epicureanism
- Ancient Roman Religion

Photo: A. Stulin
Research Associate (Musar)
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11 (2nd floor)
20355 Hamburg
Key aspects of activity
- Jewish Moralistic Literature (Musar)
- Christian Kabbalah in the Modern Period
- Hebrew Paleography and Codicology of the Middle Ages

Photo: S. Wobick-Segev
Research Associate
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11 (2nd floor)
20355 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838-9834
Key aspects of activity
- Modern European Jewish History
- Gender and Judaism
- Cultural History of European Jews
Technical, administrative and library staff

Photo: V. Frenssen
Project Assistant
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11 (2nd floor)
20355 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838-9579

Photo: UHH/Mentz
MCAS Academic Coordinator
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11 (2nd floor)
20355 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838-8605
Student assistants

Photo: C. Lehan
Key aspects of activity
- Carolina Lehan is a sculptor and painter whose artistic practice delves into the realms of space, everyday life, and the environment. With a deep appreciation for the wisdom and memory of natural materials, she skillfully develops site-specific sculptures and installations by exploring a range of contemporary and ancient craft techniques.

Photo: Vlasova
Student Assistant
Institute for Jewish Studies
Jungiusstraße 11
20355 Hamburg
Room: C211